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Shore-side power is significantly reducing emissions

In summer 2019 the inter-municipality company Stavangerregion Havn IKS opened its first two shore-side power supplies for offshore ships in Risavika and central Stavanger.

The shipping industry’s activities along the coast of Norway are responsible for sizeable greenhouse gas emissions and cause significant local air and noise pollution. 7% of the greenhouse gas emissions produced by the shipping industry are produced by docked ships. Docked ships have traditionally used electricity generated by diesel engines and generators. The shore-side power supplies will enable the ships to connect to the electricity network when they are docked. The facilities will help docked ships to move from using fossil fuels to green energy delivered by a local power company. Shore-side power supplies in the 28 largest ports in Norway could save the country 356,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year.

The shore-side power supplies in Risavika and central Stavanger are successfully helping to decarbonise the maritime industry’s infrastructure. Not only are they reducing global greenhouse gas emissions, they are also reducing air and noise pollution locally.

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Key figures

Outstanding lending:

14,950,060 NOK

Estimated discount:

766,670 NOK

Total cost:


